1. markrdickinson

    February 26, 2019


    I was wondering when these patches might ship?

    Order Invoice ID WC-1829

    Purchase details
    SCOUT JUMU’AH 2019 PATCH (Qty 4)


    Mark Dickinson
    Troop 216
    Lionville, PA

    • Abdul Rashid Abdullah author

      February 27, 2019

      Hello Mark,

      We have prepared your order for shipmnent and it should be sent out later today. We apologize for the delay that occured for your order.
      We appreciate your support for Scouting. If you have any questions or concerns, do let us know.
      We hope you have a great Scout Jumuah!

      Norlidah Zainal Abidin
      Customer Service

  2. Carolyn Hassan

    December 16, 2019


    When is the scout Jumah be for 2020 and where? I didn’t see here when the Scout Jumah 2019 was here; it’s not listed. Can you please notify me.


  3. Merium Siddiqi

    November 2, 2024

    Good afternoon
    I would like to inquire about boys scout for my 6 and 9 year old boys. Can you give me more information like what they actually do.

    • Rashid Abdullah

      November 21, 2024

      As-Salaamu Alaikum Sr Merium,

      The program for your sons would be Cub Scouting. We would want to find a unit for you in your area. We will send you an email to follow-up.

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